Friday, October 10, 2008


A simple fruit, grapes, has been used in anti-aging treatments as an antioxidant and a skin rejuvenator. Seed or Seedless? With Seeds! An added benefit is provided when you use the grapes with seeds. The seeds contain proanthocyanidin which is considered to be a very potent antioxidant. A study shows that grapeseeds can be a potent healer of the skin. In addition to being a potent healer, it also makes a wonderful skin softner as well as improving the skin's texture.
Want an easy way to put grape skin conditioning and healing properties to the test?
Open a white grape and rub the mashed grapes over your face and neck. Leave it on for 15 minutes or until dry and rinse with lukewarm water. Repeat daily. In a week or two, you may be hard pressed to find those tale-tell signs of aging when you consult with your mirror.
To have a smoother, softer, younger looking, more radiant complexion, apply your moisturizing creams three times a day.



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