Thursday, July 24, 2008


Tips for Oily Skin
1.Avoid oily, cheesy foods
2.Wash your face with cold water as many times as you can in a day
3.Before applying make-up first apply astringer lotion and wait for 5 min then do make-up as you like.
4.Cucumbers juice, lime juice take in equal quantity and apply to your body and take shower with lukewarm or cold water after 15 min. Do this for one month and you see the amazing results.
5.In a glass bowl pour water half way and add 5 – 6 drops of ude-co-lean and refrigerate. After 1 hr remove from freeze and apply with cotton whenever you feel like your skin is oily.
6.In ice water mix limejuice and wash face with that water.You will feel fresh and clean.
7.In 1 tbsp. of apple juice mix 5 – 6 drops of limejuice and apply this to your face and wait for 15 min and wash your face with cold water.
8.Use more glycerin-based soaps.
9.Mash cucumber / Tomato and apply and leave on face for 15-20 min. 10.take fresh butter milk and clean your neck and face with a cotton and wait for 10 min and wash with warm or cold water.
11.Mix 5-6 drops of rose water in 4 tbsp. of ice water and apply on face. This will help to control oiliness and make you feel fresh.
12.For oily skin wash your face 2 or 3 times with soap and mix Mint juice with rose water and apply to your face and wait 10-15 min and wash with cold water.
13.Peel apple skin and grate and squeeze juice from apple and add same quantity of lime juice and apply to your face. This is good for oily skin.
14.Use Deep Cleanser or Almond Cleansing Milk
15.Use Almond Moisturizing cream.
16.Treatment for oily skin: Use Moisturizer as night treatment
17.Use Almond Face Pack as your weekly treatment.



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